AGM 2024

This is our Annual General Meeting, where all residents can participate and ask questions to officers from the council as well as councillors. TRA will report back to residents regarding their work and the yearly elections will take place.

About The Event

All residents will receive annual reports and the opportunity to provide feedback to the TRA and council. Councillors will also be available to take residents’ feedback and provide any updates about ongoing issues.


Make sure you have sent your nomination before 20th October 2024


During elections residents will vote for one candidate per position.


Annual Reports will be available online and by email (if required).

The 2024 Annual General Meeting & Elections

Why it is important

The ability of asking for DMC or any other funds has a prerequisite to have an elected and operational Tenants and Residents Association (TRA). A strong Tenants and Residents Association is also useful for organising community events, activities such as Book Sharing , Gardening, and helping residents get together.

Visit In Person

It will help us enormously, if residents inform us in advance of their attendance. Please use the form below in order to do that. The Snug Room has capacity for 18 people. If the demand is higher then we will book a bigger room.

Bring Your Ideas

If there are issues that you would like to be discussed during the meeting please fill the form below and we will try to address it during the AGM.

Technical Help at Your Home

If you don’t know how to install or use Zoom on your computer or smartphone then please book and onsite appointment with our Chairman who will be able to visit you in your flat and help you with the setup.

Slice of the cake

In order for our estate to claim money from the DMC budget we need a strong and functional TRA. This can only be achieved by your participation on our AGM meeting either with your presence or by taking part in the committee.


Annual Reports

Every TRA has to produce their annual reports which are presented to all residents during the AGM. This year we have sent all reports via post and email. We have also posted them online for your convenience. 

Google Meeting

If you are unable to join us at the SPCC, you might want to join us online and have your voice heard, from the comfort of your home. Please follow the link below in order to join the meeting.

Past AGM

We missed you

It is a long time since our last AGM and this will be a good opportunity to meet your neighbours and council officers online or in person.

Be part of the community

Join Us!

Event Info


24th October 2024


The Snug Room at SPCC, 67 Plender Street, London NW1 0LB


18:30 – 19:30