Dear Residents,
I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who spent two hours of your busy schedule in order to attend the Curnock Street TRA’s Annual General Meeting. It was one of the best attended AGMs with more than 30 residents in addition to the Cllrs, Camden Council employees and policemen.
It is very encouraging to see new faces and new volunteers for the committee. Your questions during the meeting and your support for the Curnock Street TRA throughout the year encourages the whole team to continue its difficult work of making the estate a better place to live and prosper.
We are aiming to have a frequent contact with all residents, listen to their concerns and do our best to represent those concerns to the council or the relevant authorities (police, MPs, etc).
Please let us know your thoughts either online, email, phone or via your local Block representative.
Yours sincerely,
Dimitris – Chair