Dear all,

I am writing to advise you that the Council has commissioned the consultancy Savills to carry out a stock condition survey. They will be carrying out a 100% external survey and 10% internal survey of the Council’s housing stock. Hostels and commercial properties are also being covered.

For the internal survey Savills will select 2,391 target properties and 3 back up properties. This means that a total of c9,000 residents will be written to advising them that they may receive a visit from a surveyor. The letters are being sent on a targeted area basis so that tenants are advised shortly before any visits occur to ensure that the information is current for them. The letter will provide a contact number within Property Services in the event of any queries or concerns over the authenticity of the surveyor. All surveyors will be wearing branded clothing, will carry photo ID and have a letter on Camden headed paper introducing them.

The pilot survey is due to start next week with the full survey following on. The fieldwork should be completed by early Spring 2018 and the results will be used to update the Better Homes programme, asset management strategy and our 30 year HRA business plan.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Matthew Randall on 020 7974 3431 or myself. You can also email

Kind regards,

Paul Cansick  ACIB ACMI

Team Leader
Property Services
Supporting Communities
London Borough of Camden

Telephone:    020 7974 2245
Mobile:           07824 472351
Fax:                020 7916 2009

First Floor
33-35 Jamestown Road
London NW1 7DB