Sent on behalf of Gavin Haynes, Director of Property Management
Dear TRA reps and DMC Chairs
The Council is being careful and planning ahead to make sure our services are resilient over the next four months. This means making decisions now about the types of repairs we can deliver.
To keep our staff and residents safe and to avoid the spread of Covid-19 (coronavirus), from Monday 16th March 2020 we will continue to carry out all communal and external works to our stock as normal, but we will only be carrying out essential repairs inside tenants’ homes. These include:
· leaks
· windows and door issues including locks and essential carpentry
· sanitary plumbing
· electrical work
· health and safety works
· fire safety works
· heating and hot water
Non-urgent repairs like decorating, plastering, mould washing, bath panel replacement, adjusting doors or non-emergency surveys will be temporarily put on hold. Our normal service will resume once the risk has reduced and we will keep you updated of any developments.
Our repairs call centre staff will ask everyone requesting a repair if anyone in their household is self-isolating. Repairs staff or our contractors will only attend a home where a tenant is self-isolating in an emergency, on a case by case basis, following advice from our public health team.
Due to the possible vulnerability and age of tenants in sheltered housing, we will be limiting the number of tradespeople coming into the sheltered schemes and only carrying out emergency repairs. If you have any queries about repairs please call Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444.
Thank you for your support during this time.
Kind regards
Stanton La Foucade
Tenant Participation Co-ordinator
Supporting Communities
London Borough of Camden
Telephone: 020 7974 4787
Mobile: 07971531578
5 Pancras Square
London N1C 4AG