On Wednesday 13th February at 6.30pm in the Conference Room, 3rd floor, Crowndale Centre, the matters to be discussed on the DMC meeting are:
- Community Investment Programme (CIP): Jeremy Shapiro, the Head of CIP, has provided the attached responses (Response to DMC queries on the Community Investment Programme) to queries raised by the DMC. I will make some hard copies available for next week. Jeremy will be at the meeting to take questions.
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): At the last meeting the DMC considered the 2017/18 annual CIL and Section 106 report. You can this report, and the written questions and responses online via:http://democracy.camden.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=167&MId=7814. Again I will make some copies of these papers for the meeting. Rob Willis, Strategic Lead – Infrastructure and Growth, will be at the meeting to take questions.
- Tenant Participation Service: As agreed at the joint DMC meeting in January, some time will be set aside to discuss tenant participation and how it is working.
- Update on rent setting: Finally, for those who were not at the Joint DMC meeting in January, the Chair has suggested providing a short update on setting of rents and fees for the forthcoming year. You can see the rent-setting report, minutes of the Joint DMC meeting, and recommendations of the five DMCs viahttp://democracy.camden.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=167&MId=7815&Ver=4. The minutes of the Cabinet meeting at which the rents and fees for the year were agreed are available at: http://democracy.camden.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=122&MId=7731&Ver=4