We have received the following email regarding the communal heating survey on the curnock estate.

“Dear Dimitris,

Sincere apologies for the delay in responding to you.

We have decided to change the equipment specification to enable better monitoring and that unfortunately caused a delay in the project. We are now awaiting an update programme of works for installation of the monitoring equipment – we are hoping to finalise it over the next couple of months.

Then we will engage with a specialist consultant to analyse the data and put forward possible proposals for heating system upgrade.

Apologies that I cannot provide much more detail at the moment – I am hoping I will be in a position to provide further update towards the end of the summer.

Best regards,

Nina Rusowicz

Acting Energy Efficiency and Performance Team Leader
Property Services
Supporting Communities
London Borough of Camden

Telephone:    020 7974 2451
Mobile:           07557 294 109
Web:              camden.gov.uk

33-35 Jamestown Road
London NW1 7DB”