• Please report any incidents you witness.  If you report an incident to the Police or Housing Security and Parks Patrol whilst it is happening we are more likely to be able to identify those involved and to take action. Any information will be treated as confidential and can be provided anonymously. 


  • If you find homeless people at this or any location, please call the Safer Streets Team on 0808 800 0005.


Reporting antisocial behaviour – You can make a Difference

  • To report an incident to the Police, call 999 in emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies (24 hours)
  • For non-urgent, local policing enquiries, contact The Police Safer Neighbourhood Team (not 24 hours) on 020 8721 2810 or StPancras.SomersTown.SNT@met.pnn.police.uk
  • To anonymously report crime call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555111
  • Housing Security and Parks Patrol (6pm-2am) and CCTV (24 hours) – operates every day and can witness activity, intervene, or contact the police and report back to the Housing Officer on 020 7974 4444
  • Community Safety at the Council (including Community Presence Officers, Community Safety Officers) to report issues around antisocial behaviour on communitysafety@camden.gov.uk

Other services you may find helpful

  • If you have been affected by a dog related incident please contact the Dog Hub athub@btopenworld.com or visit by visiting www.thedoghub.co.uk
  • Camden Safety Net the Independent Domestic & Sexual Violence Advisory Service offers information, support and practical safety interventions to people experiencing domestic and/or sexual abuse and can be contacted on 020 7974 2526
  • To report rough sleeping and other street activity including begging or street drinking please call 0808 800 0005
  • ASB Support offer practical and emotional support to those affected by Anti-Social Behaviour and can be contacted on 020 7506 3224 or email Camden.asb@victimsupport.org.uk.