Dear resident

This is the final week for you to tell us what you think about our proposals for Camden’s caretaking service – the consultation closes at midnight on Sunday.

 In the winter we asked you what you think about your caretaking service as part of the caretaking and estate cleaning review. We wanted to know what you thought about the service we deliver so that we could find out how to improve the service we provide to you.

Thank you

Over 1,300 tenants and leaseholders from estates and street properties across the borough took part in the review – thank you to everyone who got involved. By sharing your views you are helping to improve your caretaking service for the future.

You told us in the review that you really value your caretaking service but there are some things you would like improved. You’d like your caretakers to be more visible and to know where they are on site, improved window cleaning and better cleaning in and around buildings and estates.

Our proposal

We listened to you and we are again asking for your views. This time we have thought about what you told us and developed a proposal for a new, improved caretaking service. We think that the way to make your caretaking service better is to bring the external estate cleaning service (currently carried out by our contractor Veolia) back into the council and replace the cleaners with caretakers who will be part of the wider council caretaking service.

From the savings on the Veolia contract we would be able to employ 26 more caretakers, increasing the number of caretakers from 171 to 197.

This would create a more joined up local service with caretakers who are more visible to residents, and will ensure the continuous improvement of your caretaking service. We also propose creating additional roles to give the service extra capacity, enabling them to keep your homes cleaner and safer. We will work with residents to agree new standards improving both the quality and consistency of the service.

What do you think?

But have we got it right? Read our full proposal at and tell us what you think – you can have your say in under 10 minutes. Thank you in advance for your feedback which will help to shape how we look after your home.

If you have any questions about the review please email


The consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 21 July 2019.